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  • By Lindsay Jeffs

Waiheke Island Climate Action Plans

Climate Plans need meaningful indicators that can measure progress towards achieving their goals. The Waiheke Local Climate Action Plan: Key Performance Indicators looks at the indicators in the Waiheke Local Climate Plan and suggests ways to make them meaningful, relevant, effective and achievable using available data and citizen-science approaches.

Waiheke is the first New Zealand populated island to estimate its own Carbon Footprint. The Waiheke Local Climate Action Plan: Carbon Inventory uses available data and citizen science to estimate that the gross CO2e emissions of the Waiheke Local Board Area is 6.31 tonnes per person per year. Transport emissions account for 63.2% of all emissions compared to 45.6% for Auckland as a whole. Ways to reduce emissions to achieve the target of halving carbon emissions by 2030 are suggested.

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