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Waiheke transport mode shifts - Just do it!

Lyndsay and Lynda Jeffs

The Community Report (PDF below) on the climate emergency and transport on Waiheke Island calls for urgent and decisive action to address the critical need to cut transport emissions by shifting out of our cars.

The comprehensive report highlights a number of mode shift solutions that can be implemented immediately on Waiheke because they do not need funding. This includes supporting everyone to shift out of their cars onto buses and bikes - not by using sticks but employing "lots of carrots"!

Expansion and restoration of bus routes and services cut in 2019, together with simple improvements to scheduling, timetables and operations that reduce road congestion, will make car alternatives so attractive and viable people will choose them. But as the report highlights over and over again, this is a climate emergency - we cannot wait - we need to JUST DO IT.


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